$ cats nobody@supertxt.net:news.s.txt
# News
- dateModified: 2025-03-02T10:28:29-05:00^^^DateTime
- 2025-03-02: Added a new urltocmd tool accessible via ssh
- 2024-01-03: Make TL;DR for the landing page and ensmallen it
- 2023-10-22: Announcing [:@WA-Nine] SuperTXT's first endeavour into WebAssembly
- 2023-08-26: Refresh of the browsing article
- 2023-08-11: Created initial project logo using svgbob format
- 2023-07-23: Added a new article [:@Options, Arguments, and Tables] an alternative to csv/tsv
- 2023-04-23: Site refresh
- 2023-04-12: Brsh now supports emojis and the site has some to demonstrate them
- 2023-03-25: Created a homebrew tap to help make installation easier
- 2023-03-19: Released a simple ssh/supertxt server called conserv.
- 2023-03-15: Added a web adapter called deserv to host supertxt content via the web. The supertxt.net website now uses it for a nicer zero-install experience.
- 2023-03-04: Added pathname2 to specs formalizing paths used in tools like git, scp, and cats
- 2023-02-22: Wikipedia integration added to cats, srch, and brsh using a site-specific command
- 2023-01-21: Released the source for the srch tool in the SuperTXT Integrations repo
- 2023-01-09: Add the st-int git repo showcasing the Browsing Shell (brsh)
- 2022-12-11: Add conventional commenting to the site for providing feedback on this content.
- 2022-12-03: Update cats to user an available pager, updated the README on reflection
- 2022-11-27: Add links for known-hosts and license
- 2022-11-27: Add cats tool for simple reading of remote documents