$ cats nobody@supertxt.net:git/st-brew.s.txt

# git/st-brew

You can learn more about this git repository by cloning it like this:

git clone https://supertxt.net/git/st-brew

→ (home) ../../

# Git Log

--hash=854f7a8 --date=2024-05-20T08:16:25-04:00 "bump brsh version"
--hash=8d0904e --date=2024-05-14T18:15:55-04:00 "bump brsh to v0.2.8"
--hash=8ec76f9 --date=2024-05-12T19:50:43-04:00 "bump brsh to v0.2.7 and cats to v0.2.4"
--hash=575191f --date=2024-05-05T09:18:06-04:00 "bump brsh to v0.2.6"
--hash=1eba94c --date=2024-04-28T19:33:40-04:00 "bump st-int hosted formulas to v0.2.5"
--hash=ff87225 --date=2023-10-21T06:49:50-04:00 "bump wanine version to v0.0.5"
--hash=38da5a4 --date=2023-10-20T12:06:48-04:00 "bump wanine version to v0.0.4"
--hash=fa7803b --date=2023-10-20T11:38:29-04:00 "bump wanine to v0.0.3"
--hash=6688228 --date=2023-10-20T07:13:16-04:00 "release new wanine v0.0.2"
--hash=cca58e0 --date=2023-10-19T18:35:35-04:00 "fix wanine formula again"

# Git Branches

--id=master --hash=7e7cafc --date=2023-08-27T13:10:41-04:00
--id=main --hash=854f7a8 --date=2024-05-20T08:16:25-04:00